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Who we are

Indent Logistics Solutions has been incorporated in the year 2018, keeping the visionary milestone of rendering Services in First Mile, Mid Mile and, Last Mile Delivery Services as well as Warehousing Services, in totality, a core “Supply Chain Solution”. Indent is one of the fastest emerging resource providers in the field of Service Industry, has come up with an elegant Team, well vast in the industry, having a strong and robust delivery network. During the time, reviewing all the perspectives of business modalities, Indent has stepped into Resource Provider services and is extending support to the customers in B2C and D2C business periphery in the form of “Collect and Pay Model Services”. The service domain has no boundary, starting from Suppling of Grocery items, Daily Needs includes, Essential Items, Food and Beverages, Pharma as well E-Commerce Items. The list is endless. Having the industry experienced person in Team, Indent supplies skilled/semiskilled/unskilled professionals to different organizations located across different states of the country, against reasonable, affordable commercials. Indent believes in Service Quality which is the gain of First and Mid Mile Deliveries in past three years. Having the said strong belief, we are sure, Indent will get the niche to serve customers with utmost satisfaction. Customer Need is Indent Deed, keeping this tagline in mind, we assure a satisfactory service to the utmost level.

Air Freight

Air freight is another term for air cargo that is, the shipment of goods through an air carrier.

All India Delivery

Indent has been regard to the handling of the shipments of automotive through out India from all automotive hub.

Full Truck Load

Indent With an extensive experience in the field, offers easy and affordable trucking solutions for all customers.

Warehouse Management

Warehouse management is the process, control, and optimization of warehouse operations from the entry of inventory into a warehouse or multiple warehouses

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